Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Haul | Lush

While I was in Melbourne, I went to Lush for the first time in like three years and decided to pick up some items! I bought some skincare products because my skin was literally freaking out from the cold Melbourne weather and some other hair and body products which the Lush lady recommended.
I am currently using the Lush skincare that I purchased and I will be doing a review of ( My Month with Lush | Skincare ) very very soon so please stay tuned for that.
I hope you enjoy the haul video!

Also, I am a Lush newbie so if you have any products that is a must-have or holy grail for you that you would like to recommend, I'd love to hear it!

What'd I say?
| Aqua Marina Cleanser >>>
| Eau Roma Water Toner >>>
| Celestial Moisturiser >>>
| Grease Lightning Spot Treatment >>>
| Cupcake Fresh Face Mask >>>
| Dream Steam Tab Toner >>>
| Putty for your Hands >>>
| Lust Solid Perfume >>>
| Ro's Argan Body Conditioner >>>
| H'Suan Wen Hua Hair Treatment >>>
| Dirty Springwash Shower Gel >>>

shop | candybop.com
instagram | peachsbeauty

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