(because I don't have the answers to everything)
Every Thursday I'm going to ask you lovely viewers a question. There may also be a chance to win something, as with today's post!
Q: Are there natural alternatives to pHisohex wash and/or Benzoyl Peroxide gel?
Background Story: Ever since I came down to Melbourne my skin has been absolutely freaking out. This isn't the first time either, last time I came down for three week, I suffered two and a half weeks of absolutely horrible skin! And by that I mean, clogged pores, irritated skin, bumps, breakouts, redness, blackheads (although they've always been there). When this happened I turned to my three HG anti-breakout products:
1. pHisohex anti-bacterial wash.
I was first introduced to this cleanser by my GP many many years ago in my high school years. I really enjoyed its effects but my curiousness got the better of me and I have moved on to 50 different cleansers since then. SO when my skin had a freak out last time I was in Melbourne, I turned back to my trusty pHisohex and saw great results.
The reason why I'm hesitate to go back to this cleanser again this time is because of its ingredients, including Triclosan, Sodium benzoate and Benzyl Alcohol. Triclosan is an antibacterial and antifungal agent used in many consumer products including deodorants, toothpastes, mouth washes and obviously skin cleansers. Health concerns include increased allergic reactions, hay fever, disrupt functioning of thyroid hormone and oestrogen and there has been some research which says that it can be absorbed into the bloodstream to accumulate your body "/. Sodium bonzoate is a preservative which has been used for more than 100 years (mostly in foodstuff) and does not seem to have many adverse side effects, especially when not consumed. The chemical does react to heat, so be aware of that. Benzyl Alcohol is an organic compound used as a preservative in soaps and perfumes, among other products. Side effects includes itching, redness, irritation, site anaesthesia and hypoesthesia and is not approved for use on children under six months and pregnant/new/trying/breastfeeding mothers as it can have negative effects your foetus, your breast milk and your newborn. (some scary thoughts there)
This is obviously very basic information about the ingredients but if you would like me to do a separate more in-depth post of them, let me know, or you can do your own research if you like. Although, having said that, reviews on the actual pHisohex wash have been mostly positive, apart from those who found it too harsh, to whom I say, start by using it only once a day for 30 seconds. So, if there are no alternatives, I have to go back to using this wash but only for when I have really bad breakouts.
2. T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel
I use this product as a toner and it works amazingly to cleanse and tone without irritating or drying out my skin AND it's all natural. Enough said. Of course you can use any witch hazel but this is the most accessible for me. Witch hazel is a plant and the liquid is distilled from dried leaves, bark and twigs. When used on the skin it can help tighten the skin and treat inset bites, stings, itching and irritations. If you want to try this or already love it as much as I do and you would like to win a free bottle, just leave an answer to my question in the comment box. If you don't have a solution to my dilemma, I'd still love to know any skincare tips you have!
3. 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide
There is so much controversy with PB that I won't even try and get into it. Basically I started using it as I found it to be effective for my breakouts and so did the makers of acne.org, Proactiv etc. However there seem to be many negative effects including dry, flaky, red, swollen, painful skin, itching, peeling, burning sensation, bleaching and possibly cancer-causing. This is obviously fairly scary, especially since I do use the 2.5% all over my face to prevent and cure breakouts. I would definitely like to find an natural alternative to BP so give me a holla if you have any tips!
Now I know I've said all these negative things but I am a realist and I can't just hope that if I stop using these two products or ALL products with chemicals/parabens/preservatives etc. that the world will be a better place and we will all live happily ever after. I just want to know if there are indeed more 'natural' alternatives to my HG breakout-fighting products and if there isn't and you love pHisohex and BP as much as I did then I'd love to hear from you as well!
So, let me know your thoughts and I look forward to reading your comments :) xo
Don't forget, leave an answer to enter the giveaway for a bottle of the T.N Dickinson Witch Hazel. Rafflecopter will be used to draw a winner on Wednesday midnight (Sydney time) to be announced on next week TalkBack Thursday blogpost. Good luck!
All products were purchased by yours truly.
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a Rafflecopter giveaway